Wednesday, September 08, 2010

One year later...almost

So it's been well over a year since I last posted on my blog and there have been many many many many changes in my life.

For starters, I am now a mommy. :) Yaaay! I did not chronicle any pregnancy-related or mommy-related things on this blog because I wanted to keep the experience private. Now that I am past that stage, and nearing little Z's 1 year birthday, I thought now would be a good time to help keep a record of some of my thoughts and experiences.

For the record, I DO have a scrapbook started (actually, two). One was a gift that already had some headings and info to fill in. Another is an actual empty scrapbook for me to fill in as I please. That one, which I do enjoy working on, is sadly, still in scraps (although I've picked out pictures, stickers, and backgrounds etc.). I may be able to make cards, but when it comes to scrapbooking, there is something a LOT more permanent about putting in pictures, and text, so I always re-examine and over-think, and procrastinate.....

Anyway, back to the baby stuff.

Z is almost one year now, so I suppose now would be a good time to reflect on her birth, and the adventurous almost-one-year experience with her.

To the year leading up to the actual pregnancy (2008), I was getting allergy shots which sent me to the hospital several times, so the allergy shots stopped. After months of hives (even after allergy shots were done and over with) and struggling to get my allergies under control, I ended up trying acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, which did help to get the symptoms under control, if not for a short time.

That winter was also infamous for the heaps of snow we received that year, including a big snow dump on Christmas Eve, in which hubby got the car stuck twice (once just a block away from home, and another time at the end of the alley), and we met some friendly neighbours a few houses down and helped them shovel a path down the alley to their garage. Hubby also had to climb up on the back roof that overhangs on our sidewak and stairwell, to push the snow off, for fear the roof would collapse (yes, there was THAT much snow). It was, what I would call, a TRUE Winter, and not the kind of Vancouver Winter with rain, and only 2 days of snow. This year was COLD. But I like Winter. :)

And this is the Winter that I became pregnant (another reason to love Winter!).

1 comment:

frodowm. said...

Yaay, you're blogging again!!