Monday, March 26, 2012

All the best laid plans

All the best laid plans can very easily be thwarted by a 2.5 year old and a 9 1/2 month old.

This past Saturday we had plans to do some family grocery shopping in the morning followed by lunch and a visit with Poh Poh and Auntie Elle. It was going to be a productive day and a day of fun, we thought. But with a late morning by both babies, and a sleepy 9 1/2 month old by 10:30 am, the morning plans were out the window. The baby had a nap. The toddler had an early lunch.

We thought the timing would be ok that we could get visit Poh Poh by 12:30 pm or 1:00 pm. Not so! The 2.5 year old kept wanting to eat more, and then it took forever to get her to sit on the potty. Then the baby had to be fed. I think we left the house at 1 pm. All in all, it was a very long morning, and nothing went according to plan.

But we did have a good time at Poh Poh's house. We had a good dinner at Penang Malaysian restaurant, and we did manage to get grocery shopping done, although we didn't go as a family.

I think it was just a day for us to realize that sometimes things don't go according to plan, but they still work out in the end. I suppose I need to keep that in mind with the on-going terrible twos and potty training challenges.

Maybe with the baby, it will seem a little bit better the second time around. Or not. The baby is a little more mischievious, I think haha!

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