Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I don't know how long I have been doing this but it seems that for awhile now, I have simply been going through the motions as a SAHM. My days consist of laundry, cooking, dishes, playing with the kids, and repeat day after day. I pick up stray toys, go shoping when we need to, make sure my toddler gets enough activity running around, make sure my baby gets enough nap times and enough to eat..... Its nothing exciting, everything routine, and everything my family needs.

Only, I haven't really appreciated my family, I think, at least not on a whole. I love how my toddler has such a bubbly personality (although the terrible two symptoms are creating some monster moments and monster days with her) and I love how my 9 month old smiles and laughs and kicks his feet when he is happy. I love how my husband comes home and is ready to help with dishes and diapers, and how he always throws out the garbage and takes care of the recycling and the bills.

But it took one odd moment a few nights ago, after the kids were down to sleep and the hubby was on the computer that I was cleaning up and caught a glimpse of my toddler's favourite book on the sofa that I was reminded of WHY I do all this, and why it is important. I felt a surge of love for my children and for my husband and was reminded that one day, my two children will grow up and be wonderful human beings and will have something great to contribute to the world (besides their happy personalities!). I was reminded that I am doing all this not to keep the house clean and the family happy, but to ensure that the children have a strong foundation to build upon.

So now I do my chores with an extra sense of purpose, and the chores don't seem so.....chore-like. I feel like one lucky mom.

Now if only I could get my toddler potty trained......

Me: Do you need to potty?
Toddler: No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. *pause* No
Me: *sigh*

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