Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I haven't posted in awhile (obviously).

I've been busy. So just for a quick monthly recap....

January - got the flu (despite the flu shot) and was home for about 1.5 weeks. I was soo tired, I didn't have energy to play in front of the computer or surf, I didn't make any cards, I barely watched TV. Some days I ended up sleeping all afternoon!!

February - nothing really eventual that I want to post here.

March - bleh, tired of the snow and the rain, and been wishing for nice sunny weather so I could actually start gardening. That ONE sunny weekend we had though, I went and finally planted some seeds (which have probably all drowned in the rain by now). I may have to replant them again. I do have two tiny little green sprouts coming out from the cherry tomato seeds I planted indoors.... If all else fails, at least I'll have little tomato plants....

April - looking forward to sunny weather, some vacation time, and hopefully some of my plants will start growing.... I'm trying to grow carrots in a container....not sure how it will work as I've never planted veggies in containers before.

Other things that have been happening?

Looking forward to renovations (as usual). I haven't made many cards lately. I've been barely playing LOTRO. I've been reading a LOT more (and will need more books because I'm running out of things to read). My allergies seem to be under control though. :) I'm VERY happy about that. I still have to avoid things that give me a reaction, but I no longer have hives for no apparent reason.

I'm liking this year so far. I can't believe we're 1/4 way through already!

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